martes, 26 de agosto de 2008

Entrevista sobre Rock in Rio

(enseguida subimos la traduccion)

Clearly, these guys are the musical sensation of the moment. There is more to
ee how their fans become crazy when they appear on stage. 'Muy JUNIOR' was
with Tokio Hotel a few minutes before the concert that they played in the festival
Rock In Rio Madrid. Be aware of what they told us.

- The Rock In Rio slogan is "For a Better World". What would you do for get it?
- Bill: It's a difficult question that can not be answered with a sentence. There
are many things you can do to improve the world. A festival like this is a good
first step and participate in it as musicians, too.

- How are the fans of Spain?
- Bill: We are delighted with them. The concert in Barcelona has been very nice
and here we have hear that there are some fans who have been hours and hours
waiting. It makes us so much illusion that this is like this. We are glad. All tell us
that there is a very good feedback. Many people come and we are having success.

- Had felt dizzy for having reached success so quickly?
- Tom: We had a lot of luck, it is our feeling. From then, there have been moments
of great importance in this career that we have needed time to digest. And well,
everything that happens to us yet is not entirely normal for us. For example, can
play today here is something very special.

- Your aesthetic is very peculiar. Are you going like this dialy? What is your opinion
about 12 years old kids imitate your looks?

- Tom & Bill: We would always go of this way in our daily lives, but it is no longer
possible. Well, when we were going to college we were going like this. It's our
style. Of course, now would be not very relaxing go to the street dressed on this
way because we want to pass unnoticed.

- Bill, how are you after your throat operation? Have you noticed any change in
your voice?

- Bill: Everything it's like before. This was the aim of the operation. But it's true
that was a time of downturn in our career and personally was very touched. The
worst thing was to disappoint the fans by the shows cancelled. And, obviously, to
a vocalist is so afraid operate the vocal cords, but fortunately we played as before.

- Yesterday concert in Barcelona, today in Madrid.. Do you like having an agenda so busy?
- Bill & Georg: Of course, we can define addicted to work. We've been almost 3
years without stop. We take vacations once a year for 2 weeks, but it is what we
wanted, what we like: travel and concerts around the world.
- Tom: We set our dates and where and when we play. No one decides for us. And
yes, obviously there are moments where you say "I can't anymore". Sometimes
you're on 2 or 3 cities in a single day and don't know how or where you are. Even
so, it must be maintained and is something that fills us with.

- You have money, fame, the girls loves you.. What lack to you?
- Bill, Tom & Georg: There's more things that we lack. We're always overestimate
and they think we're little billionaires. But also, we're all single, also must be said.
Anyway, the success hitch, it's like a drug. And you want more success, more
concerts, more tours. Therefore, we also have a self-requirement.

- You're compare with the Beatles by the fan phenomenon, are you
aware that this can finish someday?

- Bill: Of course. We started as a small and unknown band and, sometimes there
were only 5 people listening. Therefore, we know what is not have this fan phenomenon
and, therefore, we appreciate it more. We try to be aware of this always and we
hope that this will be durable. We know that can come risks, as in all works, but
that is an incentive to continue.


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